It was early in the morning and trust me. We were all damn sleepy. Bought ingredients for BBQ at night. |
Walking over to Huiyu's house to prepare the food. |
Benjamin giving a head-touching tutorial using Yongchee's head. LOL. |
Jianhong's turn to touch Yongchee's head. |
Hoyang's turn.. |
Desiree's turn.. |
And my turn. Still think it feels weird. Hehe. |
We making RAINBOW CAKE. |
Rainbow cake making-in-progress. It was damn fun playing with the colours. |
Hoyang asking if that's a scar from fencing. |
Upon arrival at ECP, Huiyu and I went to the beach. Pretty~ |
Jinru marinating the pork with Huiyu as assistant. She say he looked like he's molesting the pig. LOL. |
Wind was so strong and Jinru had a hard time trying to start the fire. Thus the human wall in front of him. |
Yayy fire started. Picture taken to mark the memorable moment? |
Huiyu trying to photobomb Suyuan and I. She totally succeeded! |
Our food sizzling on the wire gauze. |
Gosh. I look hideous here. Jernelle~ |
Hoyang~ |
Coach Zhihua. |
Joined by Claudia just before we leave. Happy family~ |
Okay so 2 days ago we had our annual NPF Epee BBQ gathering at ECP and we totally had a blast. It was a crazy long day because some of us, in fact 9 of us had to wake up early and meet up to but ingredients to prepare for the BBQ at night. So Huiyu, Jernelle, Hoyang, Benjamin, Yongchee, Jianhong, Suyuan, Desiree and I met up early. I woke up at 7:30am that day. Crazy. Went to Giant and bought most of the things needed for the BBQ and had lunch at the foodcourt before proceeding to Huiyu's house to start on the preparation.
Decided to make rainbow cake for Keith's birthday cos it was his birthday on that day itself. And we played with the food colouring to find the perfect colours and had a lot of fun adding the batter layer by layer. Took quite some time though. Fortunately the rainbow cake turned out pretty. Just that some of them looked like they were moldy cos apparently it was a wrong idea to put the blue and purple batter right at the top. LOL. Those with the yellow tops looked more right.
From the photos up there, can see that we were having fun playing with Yongchee's head cos he's currently in NS so he's bald. Came out with the idea of doing a head touching tutorial cos apparently some of us didn't have anything to do at Huiyu's house. You see what can come out when someone is bored. LOL.
Made our way to ECP, 9 people, 3 cabs. Crazy expensive luh the cab fare. But our things were way too heavy to not take a cab. The driver of the cab I was in was damn cute. He forgot to on his meter until we hit the highway alr he suddenly stopped and said "Aiya tsk. 我忘记开 meter" Hahaha. Later when we reached our destination he still gave us discount somemore. So good right. *gan dong* Haha.
I didn't do alot of cooking that night cos apparently I don't really find a place there. Like I find it really awkward to stand by the pit cos I can't really find myself anything to do. So I ended up eating only. So paiseh luh aiyo.:(
The BBQ was fun and I love the photo of us all together as well. Really like a big family.:)
Had alot of fun and enjoyed my time at the beach cos its so peaceful at night, looking in the direction of the dark waters and the brightly lit horizon from afar, standing under the crescent moon, it was one of the best feeling. Hope i'll have a chance to go to the beach again at night. Its like a different view all together and really beautiful.
Pictures by jernelle.
Cheers. :)
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