Friday, June 14, 2013


Went out to meet Meixin for lunch today and I don't know, just always feel like seeing her when i'm troubled or some sort. Told her a lot of things and she never fail to make me see hope in whatever I was troubled by. Hehe. Thanks Mango! 

Talk talk talk talk talk talk non stop then went to her house to accompany caicai cos he was at home alone. I brought home a whole lot of fur again duh! Haha. Nevermind. I like.:P And she let me have a taste of the coffee liquor at her house and omg. It was freaking super sweet coffee that has a little alcoholic taste and it was SUPER NICE. Crazy to drink on an empty stomach and before training somemore. But oh well~ Then we were talking about doing crazy stuff and whatnot, going clubs when we turn legal age, getting a tattoo to mark the sweet 18 of our lives etc. Awww seriously, this is life. I always do a lot of things that i've always longed to do with her like shopping at Daiso just for fun, grocery shopping, we can chat about makeup and clothes and parents and life, troubles, even some sensitive topics that are just not appropriate to talk about with everybody. She's pretty liberal and she makes me more liberal cos i'm honestly pretty conservative. Hehe. 

So since we touched on the topic of doing crazy stuff, it made me really want to try out what is it like to go to a club and maybe get a tattoo somewhere not so obvious and I would want to design my own tattoo. Hehe. It'll be something really small and will be able to be well hidden under my clothes. Let's say I really go ahead to do it. As for the club thing, though I don't really approve of a clubbing lifestyle or whatsoever, I feel the need to experience and try it out at least once. Maybe I won't like it, maybe I would. But it'll definitely help me be more liberal than I currently am. :)

Oh ya had subway for lunch and saw Jinru there. Meixin said that we looked alike and I was totally omg. Hahahahaha laughing out cos that's definitely something new. Scarly is my long lost brother hahaha. Just kidding! 

K bye! <3

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