Monday, July 22, 2013


I've always had a lot of faith in the human race. I have a certain expectation of what I personally would hope to see of in the relationships of the people around me, including myself of course. 

The best case scenario would always be that people can live in harmony and be free of hatred. When i say live in harmony, i don't only mean harmonious on the outside only. People should always be harmonious even from the inside. Which therefore means that people do not go around treating everybody well but hating on the others deep down inside. This is way way too hypocritical i feel. But then again, i know its something really hard to accomplish given the fact that humans are such emotional creatures and we experience way way too much emotions, good and bad. I'm not going to lie. I do have difficulty doing that sometimes. Furthermore, there is only a thin line of difference between being hypocritical and being "mature" in a sense. 

People say being so called "mature" is to treat people well and not bring in personal emotions into place. Or maybe thats valid only in the workplace i don't know. What do you think? 

Anyway, the current kind of society "feel" is definitely not the best that we can expect of. There's too much "politics" in the workplace and even as early as in school. I do not appreciate this kind of relationship between people. Sometimes it makes me feel utterly disgusted that we humans are so hypocritical. Including myself of course. 

How good would it be if this world minus the existance of hatred? Hating and disliking someone is so tiring and it puts negative thoughts into us. How good would it be if only love and happiness existed in this world? 

However so, i really dislike it when ppl tell me that i expect too much and that this is the way our society is. Instead of trying to change the way things are at the moment, i should just accept it as it is. But i thought you only accept things that you are unable to change? I haven't actually try and why should i give up just then?? But then again i know where they are coming from. I can sometimes be too much of an obsessive person when it comes to perfecting certain things. I may think this way abt things probably cos, like i've said, i have a lot of faith that there is more good in the human race than just like that. I'm not even sure if i've side tracked while typing my thoughts out. Maybe I did. Maybe I don't make sense. Maybe I think too highly of humanity and expect too much out of everyone. But I just want to try.. I want to try and make a difference if its possible, to really change the way things are at the moment. But then again, not saying that I haven't seen anything good about humanity of course. Just that it can definitely still be better. There's always room for improvements isn't it? 

This is a really random post that i'm not sure why i typed it out. It was not planned but i guess my frustration regarding this issue is built up over time and i needed to let it out somewhere. Definitely hope i'm making sense here.. Maybe i expect too much out of this society, and myself even but then its really very depressing to know that this is how our world is like. Sometimes even so tired to try to work with people and communicate. 

And that sucks.

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