Gonna let the pictures speak for themselves now. Hehe. :P Photos may seem pretty randomly organised but it was added day by day in order! :) This week has been insanely busy and hectic. Glad that its finally over!

The very first apple that I bite with my own teeth after what seems like eternity. LOL. Nah~ Just kidding. It was 3 years though! Pretty long~ Didn't bite it as a whole apple for a really long time due to braces cos I didn't want to spoil them. Guess people with braces will definitely be able to relate to this. Hehe.
Bought a new pair of flip flops when my heels finally decided to spoil after my final business image and etiquette assessment. $9.90 only. :P Hehehe. Auntie much. *faints*
Sigh. Last business image and etiquette class. No more formal wear too. :( Kind of missed it! Have always thought formal wear is super nice. Gives ppl that professional feel to their image and I like that. ALOT. ;)
SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. CASSAVA CHIPS ARE THE BEST. I find them way way way way better than potato chips. They are more fragrant and less sickening in a way. I feel sick of potato chips after awhile so I can never really eat a lot of it. BUT, ever since I switched to cassava chips, I seriously can eat like the whole packet at one go. Not sure if its even a good thing but seriously, BEST.
Not too sure how true are the cholesterol free, gluten free and trans fat free indications on the packaging but its DEFINITELY thin and crispy. FOR SURE. (Unless you tell me you open the bag and leave it open for I don't know how long, then DUH it wont be crispy)
Totally had 4 tests this week on 3 consecutive days. That was the mess I get into while studying for the tests. Brain drained week indeed.
Too drained. TT
Oh ya why this picture of Gargamel from Smurf? you may wonder. Cos I felt that he looked 85% similar to one of my lecturer teaching Occupational Health and Safety Hazards. I found it SO funny that I have Gargamel teaching me in class every Friday. LOL. But too bad~ That module is officially over on this friday. No more Gargamel. :( Not that I enjoyed that module but it can be pretty hilarious during lecture at times. Plus, that lecturer was a really nice guy. Its just the module that's a little too dry and a little too boring.
Okay, maybe not just a little.
Was playing the Evian baby thing with my friends over dinner one day and I found it really hilarious. Took me a while to actually got the chance to try out the app but it wasn't really smth to be taken seriously. LOL. It was totally for fun and laughter. HAHA. I find it pretty amusing that with different pictures of the same person, there can be different babies "coming out". Look at the 3 that I tried and you'll see exactly what I mean LOL. It is undeniably fun to play with when you are bored though. :)
Totally like a boy I want to cry.TT Looks nothing like me when I was young! I wished I had such big bright eyes though! :P
Randomly made him take a nice photo of himself so I can do the Evian baby thing for him and this was what came out. HAHA.
Honestly, I feel that its not hard to find the similarities from this picture. :P Except for the eyes but yeah he looks way cuter than me as an Evian baby. Can't believe he looks more like a baby girl while I look like a baby boy! Oh well~
A hello kitty game (Hello Kitty Carnival) that I am playing recently on my phone. Its not a super fun game though. Just attending to customers that enters your theme park and earn money etc. Haha. I installed it on my phone just cos it looks cute. :P Girls are girls after all. Hais. ^^
*death stare* xD
Okay honestly I was just playing around with my phone. So don't judge me please! I love how the top picture made my nose looked super sharp and nice. Nicer than my real nose! Kind of sad huh~
Okay honestly I was just playing around with my phone. So don't judge me please! I love how the top picture made my nose looked super sharp and nice. Nicer than my real nose! Kind of sad huh~
My homemade lunch by my mum. Egg tofu with rice and ginger chicken with black fungus, chinese mushrooms and button mushrooms. <3 And myself, forever in my comfy Ngee Ann t shirt, shorts and slippers. :P
Okay my mum called this pork floss snack "dog shit" LOL. I don't think it looks like dog shit though. I feel that it looks more like the chew chew thing that hamsters chew on to keep their teeth short. LOL. The colour, texture and everything is just SO similar. xD NOMNOM LIKE A HAMMY.
So I guess the end of the week also marks the end of this post then. Sigh. So much work to do but so little time left till exams. And in less than a week, i'll be turning 18. OH MY TIAN. Legal age alr. Haha. Older and older alr. Tsk tsk. Sometimes I feel that my current way of life, current good friends around me in class, is a birthday gift given to me way way before my birthday was even here. I can't tell you enough, how happy and how blessed I am at the moment. Finding back my primary school friend after being apart for 4 years, not being as lonely as what I used to be is definitely a huge reason to the happiness and bliss I feel. :')
Sometimes, friends are the only ones that can bring you this kind of happiness that is so pure and direct. Its these people in my life that bring the fun side of me to face the world and let me experience the kind of joy that I thought I lost back then. Despite the hardships of studying, the times that we spent playing and crapping together makes it all so much easier to take. :)
2AO4 RP! <3
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