Thursday, January 31, 2013


Went to Orchard to shop for CNY clothings ytd and happened to meet Helen and her friend there so we ended up shopping together and I went to Abercrombie and Fitch for the first time. The impression I had for the brand even before I went there to have a look ytd was of course the very well toned men working there, which everyone a;ready knows so I don't have to elaborate anymore on that, and also the signature scent that they have in the shop, "Fierce".

I haven't smelt it before cos there isn't anyone around me that I know of, that is using that fragrance, but i've heard about it before through youtube videos and I actually have been really really curious about their signature scent. Finally got the chance to smell it ytd and to my surprise, I wasn't too impressed by how it smelt. I mean it smelled quite nice but there's a hint of something that I can't really name and I didn't really like that scent of it. It might be cos there was a lot of people in the shop ytd and you know when scents get mixed up with all sorts of other smells, it can get altered petty much from what it  initially smelled like. So its not really nasty, in fact it was pretty comfortable to smell but its just that something that I can't put a name to. 

Anw, the whole shop was super super loud and dark omg. Our ears were blasting with music and the lighting was so dark. It was also SO loud we can actually hardly hear each other's voices. Haha. Didn't manage to really find anything from Abercrombie & Fitch so I left the shop empty handed but oh well it was indeed an experience~

So in the end I shopped for about 8 hours omg. And bought a pair of super skinny jeans from Bershka and a tank top from Forever 21. Very satisfied~~ Now i'm prepared for CNY! Oh ya Helen bought the same tank top too! Our BFF shirt~ Yayyyyy.<3 (very pretty too. all thanks to helen's taste) :P

K bye!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Never have I thought I would ever want a cat so badly. I was never a cat person. I don't feel anything special in particular when I see cats especially what I would call tabby cats. Like the ones you see on the road. Neither do I like Persian cats even though they may look really elegant with their poufy fur etc. Anyway, i'm just a really dog person from deep down within. Loved dogs since I was young and has always hoped to be able to adopt one when I have the financial abilities to do so. Giving a dog from the shelter a new life is probably what I aim to do. Not saying that I wouldn't consider buying a new pup but oh well it has to depends on a lot of factors I guess. Anw, its still way too early to even talk about this right now. Okay. So, I was chatting with Helen on the phone just now cos apparently I missed her call ytd evening and suddenly remembered to call her back today. And she brought up the issue of looking after her new pug pup for a few days as she returns back to Malaysia for chinese new year. I was elated. Of course I would look after her pug pup for her! Never have I dreamed to be able to experience this at all. It is a whole ton of responsibilities but I think I would be fine. If nothing goes wrong or nothing changes, I would be helping her look after her pup for 4 days and i'm really looking forward to it. It would be a whole lot better if it wasn't near the exams periods.

Coming back to the topic on cats, the only cat that I ever loved would be the Lion of course, king of the jungle. Such a majestic animal.<3 But right now, aside from the Lion, I would love love love to get a ragdoll cat for a pet. Its the first time that I actually found an alternative to a dog that I really want to have. OMG let me tell you the ragdoll cat is just an absolutely gorgeous breed of cat. the black patch on their faces looks so distinct and their poufy bodies!!! *ahhhhhhhhhh* Ragdoll cats grow up to a considerably large size too. Which is probably why I like it so much! I've seen some with blue eyes before and those are really pretty. Don't seem to see these cats often in singapore though. I'm just hoping that there are ragdoll cats over here.. But then again. I have this feeling that its going to be real expensive cat though. Haha.

Oh ya! went to Island Creamery to look for my red velvet cake this evening but couldn't find. :( But had brownies with apple pie ice cream though! :D
K that's all bye! 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

《爱~与天使有约》 分享会

《爱~与天使有约》 分享会在今天,2013年1月26日, 圆满落幕。 



2点15分, 出席的人都陆陆续续进场。音乐厅里并没有很宽敞,却挺舒适的。在里头呆坐了近45分钟吧,分享会终于在3点整正式开始。 

曾咏霖首先为大家带来了一首王宏恩的《月光》, 顿时让大家的心定下来。随后,奕华妈妈出现了,向我们分享了 Love Life 纪录片里的3位小女生勇敢抗癌的故事,并也简约地介绍了家彣,Dora 和奕华。


整个分享会下来,看得出背后的辛苦,也更能体会所谓珍爱生命,永不放弃的精神。难以忍耐的泪水多次在分享会的时候毫不留情地夺眶而出。也不难听到身边很多的啜泣声。黑暗中的我,边细细聆听奕华妈妈诉说的点点滴滴,边不断的掉泪。听得出她是有多么的爱奕华, 对奕华的思念又有多浓。奕华妈妈在奕华过世3天后写的信真真实实地透露了她心中的不舍,同时却欣慰奕华已经脱离痛苦,到幸福快乐的天国去了。

纪录片里的妈妈们和3位抗癌小战士都是最勇敢的。她们以自己短暂的余生向大家分享了很多很多的爱,感化了很多很多的心灵。即使她们都已离开我们,可是她们的故事仍然还在,还在不停的为她们继续散发更多更多的爱与希望。 希望会有更多人更懂得珍爱自己的生命,抱着永不放弃的精神来面对眼前的挑战。因为奕华妈妈说得很对。“有什么会比自己的生命遭受到威胁还来得可怕的?” “关关难过关关过” 没有什么事是解决不了的。一定要勇敢,船到桥头自然便会直。

心灵上的感动是最深刻的。今天的我, 再次受到 Love Life 的感动与心灵上的启发。我, 比以往更珍惜生命, 更热爱生命。会尽我微薄的力量,来尝试为3位勇敢的朋友活得更精彩。希望, 也仍然相信 Love Life 的精神会不断延伸到世界各地的人们心中, 感化更多人的心灵。让这个世界更有爱, 更懂得珍爱生命, 永不放弃。

我, Love Life. 


Wednesday, January 23, 2013






Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm really really excited about this event held on the 26th January 2013 in Ngee Ann Polytechinc. Its one of my fencing senior's FYP final showcase and I registered for a ticket to be part of the event and to witness the final showcase. I registered quite some time ago I think and didn't think that i'll actually have the chance to go cos I thought that there'll probably be overwhelming response for that particular event. But today when I logged into my mail, I was SO excited to see the confirmation email for a seat during their final showcase!! I can't explain my excitement but it's not without reason. 

I got to know about the Love Life project since quite some time ago and even dedicated a really long and wordy blogpost just before I deleted everything and had a 'makeover', which I think its the stupidest thing i've ever done cos that was so much memories but oh well. The point is, I was really moved by the whole documentary of the 3 young girls who are now no longer with us but their heartwarming story of perseverance and cherishing life, fighting till the very end live on within us. It was an inspiring documentary that I strongly encourage people to spend the time watching. It changed my entire outlook of life and inspired me to face challenges bravely and to constantly remind myself that I should never give up when things don't go my way because despite so, I am still blessed with the opportunity to wake up to a new day every morning and have the time to achieve so much in life. These little challenges cannot be compared to the pain and dejection the 3 young girls have to face while fighting against their illness. If they can fight on bravely till the very end, why can't I? Why can't we? All we have to do is to make every day count, make every effort count. 

So, when I found out that my senior was doing the Love Life Singapore project for her FYP, I was literally so excited. I was really happy that the message of cherishing life and never giving up is being spread to fellow Singaporeans, to you and I. By spreading the Love Life spirit, I believe that it will inspire many others out there that may be dejected and feel defeated cos of whatever reasons, and be a motivation and inspiration for them to stand up again and face whatever shit that is in front of them. I respect them for spreading the message of Love Life and giving me the rare opportunity to witness and be part of such a meaningful event. I'm definitely looking forward to the 26th January 2013 where i'll be able to realise once again, how beautiful life is and how blessed we are. :)

Sharing the complete documentary again. :)

Love Life. Live Life.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

BOOK TIME~ 《未完成的邂逅》 BY 林詠琛

I've been trying to pick up some good reading habits again since I haven't been reading alot lately. Not to say that I have really good reading habits in the past but I definitely read more books when I was in secondary school. Haven't been continuing with the "silent reading" habit ever since I entered poly and I thought its really bad.

I actually do enjoy reading reading when I was younger and I love to go to the library near my house and soak up the aroma of shelves and shelves of books, or even picking up a book in the library and flip through the yellowing pages, absorbing the "energy" from it. Its this comfy and fuzzy feeling that surrounds old books in the library that satisfies me. It is where I feel immense silence and peace from. The library is like a personal space when i can just look out for good books that interest me and it calms me from within. I don't think I have a very deep connection with books but I do enjoy reading when I have the time and the short trips to the library refreshes me and brings back inner peace when life gets too hectic at times. (I don't mean some chim chim inner peace here but just the literal meaning, if I even make sense haha) 

Recently i've been to the library a few times but failed to find any book that interest me. (I can spend hours in the library just finding books but yet leave empty handed at the end of the day) However, I found a book yesterday and its called : 《未完成的邂逅》 by 林詠琛. I thought it is a very simple read that I can get myself started with reading all over again. I didn't want to start with something very wordy and end up reading only half of it. 

Okay so 《未完成的邂逅》 is a book with a few short stories inside, which totally explains why I chose this book cos I love short stories. Some of it includes : 第三者 (the third party),0.1秒奔向你 (towards you in 0.1 second),魔性之女 (the female of fairy-hood),动画恋人 (animation lover),制造回忆 (creating memories),米雪儿 (snow grains?? o.o),捉迷藏 (hide and seek),音乐椅 (musical chair),未完成的邂逅 (incomplete meeting)。(its funny how some of the translated meaning turned out to be but oh well~ its kind of fun to include it in haha)

So from the titles it already showed that 《未完成的邂逅》 is purely on romance. (as usual) I am never the type of person that would read books on mystery or violence. I'm a pure romance kind of person and the only genre of books you'll find with me is probably romance and nothing but romance. Not that I am particularly against the other book genres but I guess it just had to do with me being extremely sentimental. Its this part of me that i've grown with and I doubt its possible to change that part of me. Even the reason behind me reading the twilight series is also cos of the romance part between edward cullen and bella swan. So now you know. Haha.

I've currently only finished reading 第三者 (the third party), the very first short story of that book and I thought I really liked it. Simply put, its about this girl being separated from her other half due to the presence of a third party and after some time, this ex couple met again but their connection can never be the same as before anymore cos the boy is married with that "third party" but yet they are still in love. And so this girl became the third party now.

Anw its just this triangle thinggy that you see often but there was a sentence from this story that I liked and left an impression in me. "某些人的爱情,只能以扭曲的形态存活。" (some emotions can only exist in distortion) and I just find it so sad with the word "distortion". Shouldn't it exist in a most simple and pleasant way possible? It is a gift given to us and we are blessed with it but why should it exist distorted? It should be a beautiful thing. That was my opinion and some of my thoughts when I was reading it on the super long bus trip to toa payoh yesterday. 

And so I wanted to start a reading regime that I can follow at my own time and own target, take my time to read and understand the content of the book. I may not have to reach the book at a very deep level cos there isn't any right or wrong when it comes to reading. It just serves as a chance for me to think about the lessons that we may learn from the books that we read and that the fact that books can give us a whole lot of fortune not in the form of money. Now that I think of it, I can say that other than romance, I do like books that I can walk away with an opinion or a lesson learned. It brings yourself to greater levels when you think more.

Well, of course, this is what I think and I like to put my thoughts and feelings into words where I may not have the ability to express verbally. :)

Reading is my escape from reality.

So I guess that's pretty much it! Cheers! :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


It's Ngee Ann Polytechnic's open house on the 5, 7 and 8 January 2013! And it's the first time that i'm engaging in the open house as a student helper and not an outsider. Hahaha what am I talking about, i'm a first year student of course its my first time! Okay luh I was a student helper at LSCT on saturday, the first day of NP's open house and there were a lot of people and I had quite some fun while "promoting" NP and LSCT courses. HAHA. 

I wasn't very keen on helping out for the open house initially cos I thought it would be very boring and stuff like that. Plus, i'm never the kind that love to talk so interaction would be a little difficult huh. But, surprisingly, I had a whole lot of fun on saturday. I started off weird and awkward but towards the end, I knew what I was doing and had an idea of how to "promote" my school. Talking to the secondary 4 students wasn't as difficult as it seems and I found out that I actually really liked to talk to strangers and my friend was like asking me to go do sales. Haha. I know this sounds extremely contradicting to who I think I am supposed to be so don't ask me why cos I don't actually know too. Hahaha. 

Anw, I was nearing the end of my shift when I encountered this secondary 4 girl in a white top. I went over to her and expected her to be just like everybody else, listen to me talk crap about LSCT and then just walk away. But, surprising enough, I thought she might want a guided tour and I offered my help as a "tour guide". She gladly accepted my offer and I was like wow. She has this weird thing about her that made me feel so comfortable and we actually started talking and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. Never did I thought that I would be her personal guide through all the stations of LSCT and I actually went around with her for more than an hour! I didn't even know her at first! Brought her to CBE's booth and looked at the liquid nitrogen demonstration cos I had to promote my course a little and went to VBS's booth where she got to play with the pets there. She was such a bubbly girl that I can't help but feel instantly like a friend of mine. Then at BMS's booth, she actually made me prick my finger and tested for my blood group and glucose level in my blood. I didn't want to but she made me do it!! This is where I felt that its so weird! How on earth did I become so comfortable with a stranger that I just got to know?!?! I still don't understand. Haha. And when we actually finished with LSCT, she wanted to move on to HS to have a look at optometry and weird enough, I told her i'll guide her there too. And we tested our eyes at HS, again she made me try out everything that she tried!

So all in all, the strange encounter with the girl one year younger than me was so amazing. I really want to be friends with her in real life and I hope we would. Even though we are now only friends on facebook, but I believe I can get to know her from there. It's definitely not something that I will usually do but i''m actually doing it. So now you know what I mean by weird. Haha. Just because of one guided tour, I got to know her and felt like we can be friends. What is this I don't know. Some kind of affinity I guess. Its like i'm guided to her and we are supposed to be friends. Haha sound so dramatic I know. But its just a nice feeling. Heh. Guess it's her bubbly character and outgoing personality that attracted me? :)

I hope I don't make myself sound like some weird psychopath omg hahaha I don't mean it in any weird way but its really hard to explain the feeling.:P Anw i'm glad to know her and that I hope she has had as much fun as I had on saturday.^^

Oh ya and she is the very first person that commented that i'm very outgoing. Omg. What on earth is happening!! Never have anyone used outgoing on me in the past 17 years of my life. It really is crazy! Very crazy! I thank my lucky stars for letting me meet her on that saturday. :)

Okay bye! :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY 2013

Happy girl on the very first day of 2013, the very first second too. I don't know what's with the cat's photo but its so cute! Hahaha. 

Happy New Year!  

2013 is going to be really great. :)